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The Four Faces Of Eve
Artist:Brian Delaney
Writer:Malcolm Shaw
- Best Of Misty, Issue 2
- Part 1
- [No Narration] Eve wakes up from dream of a plane crash, which she has been having in hospital since house fire accident. Nobody is allowed to see her, though girl from nearby circus drops in and is removed, and parents will tell her nothing of previous life, and are not affectionate, take her out of hospital in middle of night to their new house. ‘Then there is something terrible in my past… Was I responsible for that girl’s death – the girl in my dream?’
- Misty, Issue 20,
Page 28
- Part 2
- Eve arrives at isolated house in country, has some more memories of cat posters and love of cats that she links to girl in her nightmare, then discovers her ‘father’s’ tax form which says he has no children.
- Misty, Issue 21, Page 28
- Part 3
- Eve doesn’t get any answer to questions and not allowed to see anyone, that eve has same nightmare, goes to find safe burgled and a blank birth certificate inside, leaves a print on safe and police identify it as belonging to a dead girl who died in car accident.
- Misty, Issue 22, Page 3
- Part 4
- Parents show her birth certificate that was blank in safe and she realises they are lying, send her out while police come but she sneaks back in and overhears, decides she must be the dead girl they are talking about, but with plastic surgery.
- Misty, Issue 23, Page 3
- Part 5
- Eve has waking vision of airplane and girl from it, parents decide she will need another operation to get rid of nightmares, and find her with the photo of dead girl criminal and wonder if she suspects, but decide to take her to the circus first as a treat. Girl from hospital sees Eve but doesn’t have time to talk to her, and another lady sees her and nearly faints thinking she is the ghost of her granddaughter.
- Misty, Issue 24, Page 3
- Part 6
- Circus clown Carol asks Eve’s parents if she can come backstage, they say no and that she is having another operation. Eve meets old lady who faints and shows her picture of her dead granddaughter Lucy who dies at Barton General Hospital. Carol bumps into Eve and reveals she was at same hospital and helps her hide from parents by dressing her up as a clown.
- Misty, Issue 25, Page 3
- Part 7
- Eve stays with Carol and the circus while parents look for her, fortuneteller reads her fortune and says head and hands tell her different things, as if she is two people, and also that her lifeline has ended.
- Misty, Issue 26, Page 28
- Part 8
- Eve is training to be a clown and has another vision, then sees plane crash on TV report: one year ago and only one child died, Amy, also taken to same hospital. Thinks she might be her...
- Misty, Issue 27, Page 3
- Part 9
- Carol says Mr Marshall was also dr at same hospital. Marshalls hire someone to find Eve and go to circus, she runs away from them and they follow (with another Dr, Gerry, who calls her ‘it’), then she sees a Frankenstein’s Monster poster and wonders if that is the answer.
- Misty, Issue 28, Page 21
- Part 10
- Eve wonders if she is made up of three diff girls, passers-by think she’s a busker and she does some singing and makes some money, goes into cinema to watch Frankenstein and hide out ‘Poor thing… I never realised before what a sad film this really is.’ And leaves early, then goes back to cottage to get some clothes etc, followed by detective who thinks there could be more loot in it for him, she overheads Marshalls confirm she is made from dead girls and then Gerry captures her (calls her ‘It’) again and says best to destroy her.
- Misty, Issue 29, Page 3
- Part 11
- Eve dragged into house as detective watches/listens, and Mr Marshall says they are going to kill her, Mrs Marshall agrees to help her escape but he overhears, as they drive off in car Eve grabs wheel and sends it over cliff.
- Misty, Issue 30, Page 7
- Part 12
- Eve hides after crash, police arrive and say Mr Marshall and Gerry badly injured will not operate again, Mrs Marshall badly concussed, she slips away and is found by circus folk again, tells them her story and agree to adopt her ‘I’ve got two daughters now’.
- Misty, Issue 31, Page 7