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Rosalinda Kightley


A World Elsewhere
Asmolinda is trapped in ice by spurned lover Goth and Ice Queen, can only be free by a human soul. Misty visits Goth and finds him the soul of a girl, Stella, who frees Asmolinda who turns to light, and Stella wakes up from her coma.

The Green Lady Of Thorpe Hall
Widow Juanita falls in love with an English prisoner and sells her jewels to free him, then follows him to England and finds he is married and kills herself and haunts his mansion.

The Wicked Gnome
Stephanie's uncle believes an evil garden gnome is stalking him, she becomes worried about him and stays over and fends off the gnome, throwing it out the window and smashing it.

When The Earth Caught Fire
Illicit King Merkillion send his niece (rightful princess) to wake a monster who will put out the increasing heat in the land. On her journey she meets Misty who gives her a star pendant which she uses to call Misty who saves them from the monster by creating crisps falling from the roof of his cave for him to eat. The princess returns home to find her uncle has died and becomes queen.

When The Sky Fell In
Zolon rules under the sea and wishes to merge his kingdom with the sky but (after a might feast) the princess will not marry his cruel son and war is waged (the Cumulunci against the depths). Princess is locked in tower for protection and visited by Misty, who has been sent by mankind who suffer in the war and agrees to help her. Misty tells Zolon she will bring the sky down for him, but does this so slowly that it inconveniences everyone and Zolon agrees to call off the attack.