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The Horn The Hounds And The Hunted
Amanda, Barbara and Kevin being pursued by hunting dogs, Kevin caught and torn apart (bit graphic!) then Barbara screams, finally just Amanda cornered by huntsmen (given p of v of them and reaching hands) then she wakes up and it is just a dream and today is ‘our first hunt’ ‘Yes. It’s time to know the call of the horn. The bark of the hounds… the thrill of the hunt – oh!’ ‘No – I will never hunt! / Because now I know the fear of the fox…!’
What Did You Say?
Selfish Sandra plays her radio too loud all the time, they move to country and she is told off for playing music loudly in graveyard, goes to sleep and has dream about ‘waking the dead’ banging on her windows (framed as dream in both wavy panel shape and captions ‘And as she slept…’), then wakes up and then realises they are still there – but revealed it is pensioner coach asking for directions (Sandra remains unaware and afraid).